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ZEPA 2 is an Anglo-French network in which seven outdoor arts organisations, four in France and three in the UK share their resources for the development of outdoor arts within an area covering Southern England and Northern France between July 2013 and December 2014.

Supported by the European cross border cooperation programme Interreg IVa France (Channel) - England, co-financed by the ERDF, this second phase is a continuation of ZEPA 1 (2008-2012) and aims to :

  • Develop research and university exchanges around outdoor arts
  • Facilitate exchanges between artists, professionals, students, researchers and communities
  • Contribute to students and emerging artists’ professional development
  • Encourage access to culture for all in isolated areas and contributes to the social, economic and cultural development of these areas
  • Raise the profile of a European cultural reality at a local level

Three main strands will be developed by the ZEPA 2 partners, in collaboration with their local partners such as local authorities, universities and arts organisations (“second tier” partners):

  • Projects in partnership with universities: aiming at increasing research around outdoor arts through the organisation of seminars and conferences, and involving students in arts workshops
  • Anglo-French key events: with a cross border co-direction, in which UK and France-based artists will perform
  • Touring or residencies in local areas with community engagement activities

Two post-graduate researchers associated to the ZEPA 2 project will be following the events and actions developed over the next 18 months with a view to observe and analyse them.

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