Accueil > Temps forts > Fish & Chips festival


jeudi 27 juin 2013, par Julia Duchemin.

Toutes les versions de cet article : [English] [français]

The “Fish & Chips” is a festival created in 2010 by Atelier 231 as part of the ZEPA project. This friendly European outdoor arts event brings together UK and French companies to encourage, facilitate and enhance encounters between people and audiences.

Created in 2010, this event has the distinctive feature to allow outdoor artists to perform in the heart of winter.

On the Wednesday, make room for the families to enjoy the Total Crêpes, the hot chocolate and the performances in daylight.

On Thursday and Friday, nightfall will reveal the splendour of the set designed jointly by UK and French students to host the French and British performances.

Edition # 4 : 29th, 30th and 31st January 2014
Find the detailed schedule of the festival on Atelier 231 website or explore the programme below yourself :

You can also have a taste of what’s coming for this 4th edition of Fish&Chips by reading the director’s editorial.

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