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Wet Picnic director auditions students from the Université d’Artois

mardi 15 octobre 2013, par Mathilde Vautier.

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Saturday 28th September 2013, 10am, Université d’Artois in Arras


For the second phase of the ZEPA project, there was a strong move from the 7 French and UK partners part of the ZEPA 2 network to emphasise on developing more outreach projects between artists and the communities, and increase partnerships with universities based in the partners’ areas.

And on this Saturday morning, at the Maison des Etudiants in Arras, these objectives became real for the students : the Université d’Artois Culture Department and ZEPA 2 partner Culture Commune invited students to audition with Matt Feerick, from UK company Wet Picnic with a view to set up a performing group involving 7 students. One goal : creating a show that will be touring the various ZEPA 2 festivals ! Not bad, hey ?

Two days before, on the start of the term at the Arras campus, about 20 students, from Performing arts studies for most of them, had subscribed...without realising the committment required for such project.

Still, 13 students turned up on that Saturday, at the University performing venue with Matt. After introductions starts an intensive programme of various practical exercises, in pairs or altogether. All aspects of outdoor arts performance are tested by Matt : capacity to use the space, physical skills, improvisation skills, sense of collective work...there is a really good bond between Matt and the students !

And, as an experienced director, he has an eye for everything : at the end of the day, he would have captured each candidate’s personality with an amazing acuity !
After 7 hours of intense work, the session is over and all seem exhausted but delighted to have taken part in such an interesting day, whatever the outcome.

The 7 lucky candidates to be shortlisted by Matt will soon be known and will start working with him on 23rd November 2013 for a whole week at the University. We’ll keep you posted !

Arnaud Verkindere, Culture Commune Outreach Officer

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