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Wet Picnic and Frolicked across the Artois Comm boroughs for the Z’Ailleurs events

mardi 13 mai 2014, par Mathilde Vautier.

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Territoire de l’Artois Comm.

Frolicked’s puppets and Wet Picnic artists have been performing in 6 towns within Artois Com(the Béthune-Bruay borough in the Pas-de-Calais county) since last Saturday as part of the Z’Ailleurs events. After the towns of La Couture, Fresnicourt le Dolmen and Vaudricourt, the companies will be performing in Divion, Rebreuve-Ranchicourt and Annezin, before reaching Béthune this weekend, for the Z’Arts Up ! festival.

Find out more about the full Z’Arts Up ! festival programme here !

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