Accueil > Parcours d’artistes > Les territoires > Frogs Legs : tournée dans le Norfolk, l’Essex et le Wiltshire

Street arts and Frog Legs in Norfolk

mercredi 13 août 2014, par Mathilde Vautier.

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Frogs and street arts invasion in Norwich and Holt !

As part of the Frogs Legs touring programme organised by SeaChange Arts, various French companies have toured in Norfolk in July, in Norwich on 6th July and Holt on 20th July 2014.

In both towns, Kitschnette company cooked a rather...interesting meal - not frogs legs though, but a dish "aux p’tits oignons"...
Norwich city centre was filled with fairground activities for the Lord Mayor’s Celebrations which proved difficult for the company to perform against, but the audience was still intrigued and responsive.

French companies were in force at the Holt Festival : Les Cubiténistes kept photo-shooting the "Everyday life" of this quaint old market town, placed under the high protection of Carnage Productions’s SWAT team, the Special Wasters and Tanglers commando, under-trained members performing highly impressive techniques...never quite right !

Dance and music also filled the town, with Qualité Street’s sergeant and his subordinate trying the dangerous exercise of public recital in La Fleur au per the two dancers from De Fakto company, they offered the audience hip hop and contemporary dance in "Un p’tit bal 2 rue", with lovely accordeon tunes and song from famous French singer Bourvil in the background.

The 2014 edition of the Holt Festival confirmed the success of the partnership SeaChange/Holt festival initiated in 2013 with the Fête Franglais the delight of the 2000 spectators who attended the special street arts day "à la française".

Photo credits : The Photographers’ Gallery - Holt

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