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Kitschnette a été créée en 2004 par un collectif d’artistes marseillais : circassiens, comédiens, danseurs, photographes et illustrateurs. Ils se réunissent pour une recherche autour du thème de la cuisine et de la nourriture, principalement par le biais des arts vivants (cirque, danse, théâtre) et de l’art culinaire (dégustation de curiosités).
Kitschnette was created in 2004 by a collective of artists from Marseille : circus artists, actors, dancers, photographs and illustrators. They got together as a research project initially around the theme of food, and started experimenting various approaches, mixing performing arts (circus, dance, theatre) and culinary art.
The basis of their work is EVERYDAY LIFE, particularly the movements and attitudes related to food and cooking.
Their first show, "On passe à table" , had nicely tickled the audience’s taste buds across the European Zone of Artistic Projects between 2010 and 2012 (see Kitschnette, ZEPA 1 project).
In 2014, the company will be cooking - er.. performing ! - Au p’tits oignons !